Know some ancient facts and benefits of Terminalia Chebula AKA Harde or Haritaki

Harde or Haritaki, Botanical Name – Terminalia Chebula has been regarded very high from ancient times by traditional healers and it is rightly called the MOTHER OF HERBS! It is widely used in ayurvedic medicines for various ailments for Rejuvenation & Detoxification. It is among the important three fruits used in “Triphala” (Three Myrobalans), an ayurvedic generic medicine that is a well-known name throughout the world for its health benefits. As per ayurvedic texts, it has Tridosha’s viz Vata, Pitta & Kapha pacifying properties and supports as Ayurvedic herbal tonic with multiple health benefits. 

Harde or Terminalia Chebula basically helps to remove toxins and undigested materials from the body as a mild laxative and helps digestion. Harde fruit powder supports general health gain, the well-being of the eyes, brain, throat, intestine, skin, liver, spleen, and urinary tract. Haritaki helps to promote anti-oxidant properties, prevention of tissue damage, and increase energy levels.

Harde powder is supposed to be beneficial for healing mouth ulcers & gingivitis by way of local application. Harde helps to reduce inflammation of bronchus, formation of extra phlegm and reduce tussive cough.

Haritaki is an amazing herb that can be helpful in resolving hair problems. It is supposed to be rich in vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C, iron, manganese, selenium, copper, etc., which is helpful in hair growth. Harde can be used in many ways such as internal consumption, applying powder paste on the head scalp, or using haritaki hair oil on the scalp.

Terminalia chebula’s powder is a good astringent dentifrice in loose gums, bleeding and ulceration in gums. It is good to increase appetite, digestive aid, liver stimulant, stomachic, gastrointestinal prokinetic agent, and mild laxative. The powder of Terminalia chebula fruits has been used in chronic diarrhea.

Some benefits of Terminalia chebula herb:

Prevent hair loss and dandruff
Removes acne and ulcer
Helpful in constipation
Fight with skin allergies
Prevent cough and cold
Prevent diabetes
Helps in weight loss
Boost immunity
Improves heart condition
Help in prevention against cavities
Natural pain reliever
Improves oral hygiene
Improve digestion
Improve cognitive functioning

In classical Ayurveda, Haritaki has been suggested for external wound healing, and used internally as a rejuvenating agent for the digestive system with its mild laxative action. It is considered “tridoshic,” meaning that it has the capacity to balance all three doshas — vata, pitta, and kapha.

We are one of the best manufacturers of terminalia chebula extract, Haritaki Powder, Triphala Extract, Triphala Powder, Harda Extract

To request a quote for Terminalia Chebula herb, please leave us your requirement here!