Sagargota [Botanical name: Caesalpinia bonduc] known as Fever nut, is a climbing shrub common throughout India, near the sea coasts, especially all over Bengal, Bombay & whole of southern India. Bonducella the name of the species is derived from the Arabic word Bonduce meaning a little ball that indicated the globular shape of the seed. The seeds are grey colored and resemble eyeballs, which explains the Sanskrit name kuberakshi, meaning the eyes of Kubera, the Hindu God of wealth.
Sagargota also called latakaranj, Katkaranj, and Fever Nut (English) has been mentioned in all Ayurvedic texts and has been traditionally used as a uterine stimulant, to cleanse the uterus & maintain its proper contraction. Sagargota supports alleviating fever signs like body pain and helps to reduce edema/swelling in the body, joint inflammations, and abdominal pain. Ayurveda mentions Sagargota as pungent, bitter, and astringent in taste. Sagargota helps to alleviate aggravated Kapha and Vata doshas. Sagargota promotes blood purifications and helps to stop internal bleeding.
Externally – In abdominal flatulence, the paste of Sagargota seeds mashed in water eases the problem. On testicular swelling due to a hydrocele & trauma, the thick paste of Sagargota seed is applied.
Research scientific study of Sagargota extract has shown promising action to lower glucose absorption hence supporting low blood sugar. The research study of Bonducella nut obtained has shown the presence of Phytosterols, and Flavonoids which clearly indicates that Caesalpinia bonducella has a significant potential to use as a natural antioxidant agent and promotes anti-inflammation action.
Bonducella Nut
Bonducella nuts are bitter, astringent, acrid, thermogenic, anodye, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, digestive, stomachic, liver tonic, depurative, expectorant, contraceptive, antipyretic, aphrodisiac, and tonic.

Bonducella Powder
Bonducella nut is bitter, astringent, digestive, stomachic, liver tonic, contraceptive, aphrodisiac, and tonic also valuable in intermittent fevers, and asthma.
Bonducella powder prepared from Caesalpinia bonduc seeds is tonic, febrifuge, and antiperiodic. The powder also called Fever nut powder is useful in chronic fevers.
Sappanwood Extract
Sappanwood Extract from Caelsalpinia Sappan sapwood is rich in flavones having blood clotting and coolant activity helps uterine contractions & is anti-bacterial. externally helps in wound healing.

Jairamdass Khushiram is one of the known and leading industries that are involved in manufacturing and supplying Caesalpinia bonduc also known as Cassia absus. We are the top manufacturers of Bonducella Nut, Sappanwood Extract, and Bonducella Powder.