Vekhand / Vacha/ Sweetflag [Botanical name – Acorus Calamus]is a Semi-aquatic strongly aromatic perennial, cultivated in damp marshy places in India and Burma, commonly in Manipur and Naga hills on the edges of lakes and streams. Acorus Calamus has been an item of trade in many cultures for thousands of years. Vekhand (roots/rhizomes) has been used medicinally for a wide variety of ailments, and its aroma makes calamus essential oil valued in the perfume industry.
In Ayurvedic medicinal practice in India, rhizomes have been used to cure several diseases like fever, asthma, and bronchitis, and as a sedative.
As per Ayurveda Vacha is pungent in taste, hot in potency, and helps to suppress vitiated Vata. Ayurveda mentions that Vacha helps for emesis of toxins, clearing out toxins through urine and stools. Traditional uses mention that Vekhand was routinely administered for flatulency, stomach fullness, abdominal pain, and increasing appetite.
Nowadays Vacha roots are given in form of hot infusion which supports the reduction of inflammation of the airways, cough bouts, and fever. Vekhand powder is given with Licorice powder in form of paste with honey to soothe the throat and reduce pain. Vacha powder taken 1 tsp with 1 cup of warm water promotes relaxation from intestinal spasms, and bowel gases and supports a healthy appetite. Vekhand supports a healthy nervous system. Externally Acorus root powder when applied with Bhringaraj powder as paste on the head supports healthy scalp and hair growth. Externally Vacha root powder promotes relief from pain and inflammation of rheumatic joints.
The scientific study of Acorus has shown the presence of volatile essential oil, bitter principle, calamine, and little tannin which all contribute to Vacha’s usefulness in the human body.
Calamus Extract
Calamus extract from rhizomes of the Acorus calamus (Sweet flag) contains a glucoside, acorn. Calamus is useful in vitiated conditions of Vata and Kapha, paralysis, convulsions, and other mental disorders.

Calamus Powder (Godavach Powder)
Calamus powder is useful for various mental disorders. Many of the Ayurvedic preparations include Calmus powder. Calamus is an expectorant, stomachic, nervine tonic. A tincture of Calamus powder is also used in homeopathy.

Sweet Flag Root
Vacha (Ghodavaj or A. calamus or Sweet flag),
Sweet flag root contains essential oil of around 1.5-2.7% with bitter principle accretion and calamine. It is effective for digestive ailments such as flatulence, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, and worms. The powder of sweet flag given with lukewarm salt water induces vomiting and relieves phlegm while easing coughs and asthma.

Jairamdass Khushiram is one of the known and leading industries that are involved in manufacturing and supplying Vekhand also known as Acorus Calamus. We are the top manufacturers of Calamus Extract manufacturers, Calamus Powder manufacturers, Godavach Powder manufacturers, and Sweet Flag Root manufacturers.