Category: Extract

Sagargota Benefits.

Sagargota [Botanical name: Caesalpinia bonduc]  known as Fever nut, is a climbing shrub common throughout India, near the sea coasts, especially all over Bengal, Bombay & whole of southern India. Bonducella the name of the species is derived from the…

Learn How TONGKAT ALI is Beneficial for Generic Health?

Tongkat Ali [botanical name – Eurycoma longifolia] is a shrub native to Southeast Asia. In Indonesia it is known as pasak bumi; in Malaysia as tongkat ali and in Thailand cay ba binh. Tongkat Ali and long jack are the most…

Learn Vekhand and its benefits!

Vekhand / Vacha/ Sweetflag [Botanical name – Acorus Calamus]is a Semi-aquatic strongly aromatic perennial, cultivated in damp marshy places in India and Burma, commonly in Manipur and Naga hills on the edges of lakes and streams. Acorus Calamus has been an…

How to maintain healthy intestinal functions with Indian Rhubarb?

Revand chini [Botanical name – Rheum emodi] or Himalayan rhubarb or Indian rhubarb is a stout herb, endemic to the Himalayan region distributed in the temperate and subtropical region from Kashmir to Sikkim at an elevation of 2800-3000 meters in…

How are Gallnuts beneficial for your body?

Majuphal consists of dried galls found on the Quercus infectoria tree (Fam. Fagaceae), a small tree or shrub, 2 to 5 meters high, a native of Greece, Asia Minor, Syria, Persia, and Iran. The galls are excrescences on the twigs,…