Chitrakmool plant or White Leadwort or Plumbago zeylanica (botanical name) is said to be growing wild in Bengal, UP, Southern India, Ceylon. Plumbago zeylanica is a perennial undershrub, 1.5 – 2.0m tall, with ram-bling branches and its growth occurs during the rainy season and ceases in the post-flowering stage. Chitrak can be grown as an intercrop with many fruit trees, for example, guava, mango, or citrus orchards.
As per Ayurveda, Chitrak is Pungent, Hot, and Dry in Potency and has Vata/ Kapha pacifying properties. Chitrak is found to be ideal for digestion of heavy foods, toxins, and increasing appetising. Ayurveda mentions its properties as removal of toxins from Skin by way of increased sweating and healthy metabolism to remove unwanted fats. Hence Chitrak supports lean muscles and healthy Intestine functions, to activate weight management. Chitrak is also found to be useful during the inflammatory stage of the Spleen or Liver.

Chitrak promotes monthly flow of menses when taken in recommended dosage and is better avoided during pregnancy or lactation. Chitrak may be beneficial for Piles and intestinal disturbances where formation of healthy stools is a problem. Chitrak supports healthy Liver cell functions and low bacterial or viral load.
The main active compound in the plant Chitrak is plumbagin, which has been shown to possess several pharmacological activities including suppressing harmful bacteria load, relief from muscle spasm and digestive actions. Scientific studies on animals of Chitrak extract have shown promising antioxidant activity to protect cellular damage.
Chitrakmool or Plumbago Rosea root. Useful as Uterine stimulant, digestive. The bruised root is tempered with a little bland oil or in the form of liniment used as a rubefacient application in joint pain. The following are some benefits/uses of Chitrakmool.
- It manages diabetes.
- Lowers blood glucose levels by enhancing insulin secretion due to its anti-diabetic and antioxidant properties.
- Reduces blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
- Helps in weight loss.
- Helps in digestion, gas, hemorrhoids, dysmenorrhea, rheumatism, promotes sweating and small doses stimulate the central nervous system.
Jairamdass Khushiram deals in the best quality of Plumbago Rosea root that’s why we are the leading manufacturers of chitrakmool plant root in India and as well as international markets.