Polpola or Polapola [ Botanical Name – Aerva lanata] also known as mountain knotgrass is a woody, prostrate or succulent, perennial herb in the Amaranthaceae family, native to Asia, and Africa. Polpola is a common weed that grows wild everywhere on the plains of India. The root when rubbed emits a camphor-like aroma. The dried flowers which look like soft spikes are sold under the commercial names Buikallan and Boor. Aerva lanata is one of the plants included in Dasapushpam, the ten sacred flowers of Kerala.

The Polapola plant is supposed to be used for food for people and animals. The whole plant, especially the leaves, is edible. The leaves are put into soup or eaten as spinach or as a vegetable. Polpola plant provides grazing for stock, game, and chickens. The plant is found to be used as a traditional medicine for snakebites. In the traditional medicine of India, the juice of crushed Aerva lanata root is supposed to be used for relief from jaundice symptoms.
In Ayurveda Polpola is used for normal cough and cold, increasing urine output, in body or headache as an analgesic agent and protecting against infections.
Scientific study has confirmed the presence of Alkaloids, terpenoids, sterols, several flavonoid glycosides, and polyphenols in Aerva lanata researchers in Russia and India. Flavonoids help as antioxidants to protect Liver cells. The whole herb powder is found to be beneficial for reducing cough and cold, supporting overall body metabolism to boost lower levels of blood sugar and triglycerides levels. Polapola powder can be taken daily as low calories food supplement!
Pola Pola herb is effective against neck and back pain, fever, and urine problems and also regulates body metabolism, and menstrual cycle, and helps resorption of uterine fibroids.
Pola Pola Powder (Aerva Lanata) is considered to be effective for hepatitis and inflammation of the liver. Helps to reduce rashes and skin issues, and helps to calm nerves.
Jairamdass Khushiram is one of the known and leading industries that are involved in manufacturing and supplying Polapola also known as Aerva lanata. We are the top manufacturers of Pola Pola Extract, Pola Pola Herb, and Pola Pola Powder.