Jequirity Leaves and Jequirity Seeds, both their botanical names are ‘Abrus precatorius’,
Jequirity Leaves:
Jequirity leaves warmed or paste, applied, helps to relieve pain. Jequirity leaves paste with Plumbago helps in leucoderma. The leaves chewed with cubeb and sugar helps in sore throat.

Jequirity Seeds:
There are three varieties of Abrus precatorius. Useful as purgative, emetic, tonic. Applied as paste helps hair growth, relief from shoulder joint stiffness. It is a very poisonous drug; so always take it under medical supervision. Seed- coat of seed is deadly poisonous. Seeds are soaked in water for 10 hours and then boiled, after this seed-coats should be removed carefully and taken cotyledons along with milk in the treatment of sexual debility.

Jequirity Seeds commonly known as jequirity bean, crab’s eye, love pea, rosary pea, or weather plant, is a herbaceous flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae. The plant is native to Asia and Australia. The plant is best known for its seeds, known as Gunjja, which are used as beads and in percussion instruments, and which are toxic because of the presence of abrin.
The seeds of Abrus precatorius are much valued in native jewelry for their bright coloration. The seeds of Abrus precatorius or Gunjja, are very consistent in weight, even under different moisture conditions due to the water-impermeable seed-coat. Formerly Indians used these seeds to weigh gold using a measure called a Ratti (gunjja), where 8 Ratti = 1 Masha; 12 Masha = 1 Tola (11.6 Grams).
As per ayurvedic text there are 2 different types of Gunja, white and red seeds.
The white variety is used to prepare oil that is claimed to be an aphrodisiac. Tea is made from the leaves and used for fevers, coughs and colds. Seeds are poisonous and therefore are only consumed after heat treatment. The Tamil siddhas knew about the toxic effects in plants and suggested various methods which are called “suththi seythal” or purification. This is done by boiling the seeds in milk and then drying them. Under the name of “Jequirity” the seeds have recently been employed in cases of ophthalmia, a use to which they have long been put in India and Brazil. The Abrus plant is also used in Ayurveda and is said to promote hair growth. It is sometimes used as an ingredient in Indian hair products.
In African & Indian tribes, the purified dry seeds are powdered and taken one teaspoonful once a day for 2 days to cure worm infections. Ayurveda mentions use of seeds in hair growth, especially in alopecia areata as hair pack; Ayurveda says Abrus seeds can be purified by boiling them in milk or steaming them with help of buttermilk. Abrus seeds purified, are pounded and made paste, applied over pain in back due to sciatica, in arthritis and over skin area to get relief from eczema, itching, and fungal patch.
Jairamdass Khushiram is the leading botanical herbs manufacturer and botanical powder supplier who is a reputed name in the industry and serves local as well as international markets. They are well known bullk suppliers of Abrus Precatorius and biggest manufacturer of Jequirity Leaves in India.