Wrightia tinctoria, Pala indigo plant or dyer’s oleander, kadu indrajao, shwetha kutaj, is a flowering plant species (family Apocynaceae) in the genus Wrightia found in India, southeast Asia and Australia. Sweet Indrajao is a small, deciduous tree with a light gray, scaly smooth bark. Native to India and Burma, Wrightia is named after a Scottish physician and botanist William Wright (1740 – 1827).
From a distance, the white flowers may appear like snow-flakes on a tree. The fruit’s pendulous, long paired follicles joined at their tips. The hairy seeds are released as the fruit dehisces. The leaves of this tree yield a blue dye called Pala Indigo. Sweet Indrajao is called dhudi (Hindi) because of its preservative nature. Supposedly a few drops of its sap in milk prevent curdling and enhance its shelf life, without the need to refrigerate.

The leaves are applied as a poultice for mumps and herpes and sometimes, they are also munched to relieve toothache. The bark and seeds are effective externally against psoriasis and non-specific dermatitis. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-dandruff properties and hence is used in hair oil preparations. The seeds and bark of the Shwetha kutaj plant are used in Indian traditional Ayurvedic medicine as anti-diarrheal and anti-dysenteric. The seeds are supposed to be useful in improving sexual performance as an Aphrodisiac Tonic.
The plant contains wrightial, a triterpenoid phytochemical, flavonoids, along with an β-sitosterol isolated from the methanol extract of the immature seed pods.
β-sitosterol present in Wrightia tinctoria seeds is being studied for its potential to reduce prostatic enlargement and lowering blood cholesterol levels. Scientific study of water extract of seeds showed promising activity in reducing or combating bacterial load in the body.
Wrightia tinctoria seeds in Ayurveda are used as anthelmintic, antidiarrhoeal, antidysenteric, astringent, febrifuge, seminal weakness, and as an aphrodisiac.
Some uses and benefits of Wrightia tinctoria seeds:
- It has strong Antipsoriatic activity and is used for Psoriasis treatment
- May Help Cancer Treatment
- Improves Wound Healing
- Combats Obesity, Cholesterol, And Protects The Vascular System
- Fights Diabetes
- Has Antimicrobial Effects
- Has Antioxidant Properties
- May Act As A Contraceptive
- Protects The Liver
- Protects Gut From Ulcers
- Improves Pain
- Enhances Libido
Jairamdass Khushiram is the leading botanical herbs manufacturer and botanical powder supplier who is a reputed name in the industry and serves local as well as international markets. They are well known bulk suppliers of wrightia tinctoria seeds and biggest manufacturers of wrightia tinctoria seeds in India. You can get in powder form also and its known as – Indrajau Sweet Seed Powder : Inderjau sweet seed powder is given in sexual debility, spermatorrhoea, general debility.