Lemon / Lime peel powder is derived from drying fruit rind of the Citrus Limonum plant and crushing it. Lemon peel powder contains Volatile oil and is used externally for ages. Internally Lemon peel powder is taken in small quantities of approx ½ tsp and may be helpful as aromatic, stomachic, and carminative when taken with herbal teas, smoothies, etc. Lemon peel powder can also be used with other spices to improve digestion power.
Scientific study has shown the presence of Vitamin C, Citric acid, and volatile oil in lemon peel powder. Externally it may be used with other ingredients to improve skin texture and quality. A lemon peel and honey mask make a perfect scrub for the face, hands, and feet for promoting the removal of dead tissues.
One can make a coarse paste with Lemon peel powder, wheat powder, and honey by adding a small amount of milk. Rub the paste on the body in circular movements and wash after some time. This mask may help in removing stress and strain on the skin and support rejuvenation of the skin.
Lemon peel powder and milk Or papaya fruit juice form a face pack paste, apply/smear it on the face and leave it to dry. Then clean it with fresh water. This will help in making the skin supple and moisturized. The high content of Vitamin C in the lemon will help to lighten the skin tone and remove dark spots caused by skin tan.
Yogurt and lemon peel face pack may be used for removal of suntan and dark spots. This pack will help to lighten the tone of the skin and reduce dark spots on the face. Lemon peel powder also helps to remove stains on teeth when rubbed with 1-2 pinch of salt in the morning and rinsed with plain water.

Lemon Peel Cut
Lemon peels are often used only for desserts and other culinary recipes that require this characteristic bitter touch. However, keeping in mind the many benefits of lemon peel, we can start to include it more frequently in our diet. They are available in different cuts like Fine cut, Tea cut, and Cut size. Plant Part Used: Fruit Peel.
Lime Peel Extract
The study has shown the presence of Vitamin C, Citric acid, and volatile oil in lemon peel extract. Externally it is used to improve skin texture and quality thus useful in formulating scrub for the face, hands, and feet.
Lemongrass Powder
Produced from fragrant Lemongrass, useful as a diuretic and revitalizing agent. Detoxifies the body, boosts immunity, helps digestion, and in cough, cold. Industrial insect repellent, in soaps and perfume.
Jairamdass Khushiram is one of the known and leading industries that are involved in manufacturing and supplying Lemon Peel. We are the best manufacturers of Lemongrass Powder, Lemon Peel Cut, Lime Peel Extract.