Purple Fleabane Seeds are also known as Vernonia Anthelmintica or Kalijiri or Somaraj. Kali Jeeri is also spelled as Kalijiri and Kaali Jeeri is seed of plant centratherum anthelminticum. Kalijiri is popular in combination with Ajwain and Methi for reducing weight and improving digestive health. It is used for the treatment of the skin diseases in which it helps to reduce itching and skin irritation. It is believed to be the blood purifier because it removes the toxins from the blood and increases their elimination. Kali Jeeri is an excellent Ayurvedic medicine for roundworm, tapeworm and threadworm, which can also be present in the gut. It also increases appetite, but its bitter taste may provoke nausea in some bitter taste sensitive people.

Kali Jeeri also promotes hair growth. It helps to control the blood glucose level. It is also beneficial for people with postprandial hyperglycemia i.e rise in blood glucose level following a meal.
It has been found to possess various therapeutic activities which are anti inflammatory, anti arthritic, antidiabetic, anthelmintic, antioxidant,antibacterial, and many more. Active against Roundworm and threadworm infestation, cough, urinary retention, inflammation, pruritus, abdominal colic, fever and leucoderma.
There are many uses of this seed:
- Seeds are generally used in cases of roundworms.
- Seeds are :
- Tonic
- Diuretic
- Antiperiodic
- Alternative
- Anthelmintic
- Anti-ulcer
- Emetic
- Purgative
- Blood purifier
- Stomachic
- Diuretic
- Antibacterial
- Antimicrobial
- Anti-hyperglycemic
Kali Jeeri mainly works on the KAPHA DOSHA and may also reduce the Vata aggravation. According to its Ayurvedic properties, it should not be given in conditions with Pitta aggravation. Therefore, it is most suitable for people with Kapha dominant symptoms. It also works well in obesity and obesity-linked diseases. It is also likely to reduce lipids in the blood, so it is also beneficial for people with elevated cholesterol and triglyceride level in the blood.
Jairamdass Khushiram deals in the best quality of purple fleabane seed that’s why we are the leading manufacturers of purple fleabane seeds, wholesale supplier of purple fleabane seeds, wholesale supplier of kalijiri, bulk supplier of purple fleabane seeds.