Product Category: Herbs

Herb includes all Botanical plants and their useful parts which have medicinal or health benefits on living beings. Herbs are botanical plants that are identified and studied by the presence of bioactive principles beneficial to maintain health and cure illness. General usage of the term “herb” differs between culinary herbs (like spices, vegetables) and medicinal herbs; in medicinal or spiritual use, any parts of the plant might be considered as “herbs”, including leaves, roots, flowers, seeds, root bark, inner bark, resin, and pericarp.

Milk Thistle

(Silybum Marianum)

(Bombax Ceiba)

Moringa Leaves

(Moringa Oleifera )

Moringa Seeds

(Moringa Oleifera)

(Curcuma Longa )

Musk Ambrette Seeds

(Abelmoschus Moschatus)

Muskmelon Seeds

(Cucumis Melo )

(Ochrocarpus Longifolius)

Neem Leaves

(Azadirachta Indica)

(Urtica Dioica)

(Cassia Obovata)

Niger Seeds

(Guizotia Abyssinica )