Banaba Leaf Extract | Lagerstroemia Speciosa Extract

Lagerstroemia Speciosa (Banaba Leaves) Extract

Article No:


Botanical Name:

Lagerstroemia Speciosa

Other Name:

Banaba Leaves


1% - 5% Corosolic Acid by HPLC


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    Product Description:

    Banaba leaf extract is derived from the leaves of the Banaba plant, also known as Lagerstroemia speciosa, which is native to Southeast Asia. It has been traditionally used as a medicinal herb and is now commonly used as a dietary supplement due to its potential health benefits. Banaba leaf extract contains corosolic acid, which is believed to have anti-diabetic and antioxidant effects, as well as potential benefits for weight management and heart health.

     Application of Banaba Leaf Extract:
    1. Diabetes management: Banaba leaf extract is believed to help regulate blood sugar levels and may be useful for people with type 2 diabetes.
    2. Weight management: Some studies have suggested that Banaba leaf extract may help support weight loss and control appetite.
    3. Antioxidant properties: Banaba leaf extract is rich in antioxidants, which help protect the body against damage from harmful molecules known as free radicals.
    4. Heart health: Some evidence suggests that Banaba leaf extract may help improve cardiovascular health by reducing cholesterol levels and improving blood circulation.
    5. Inflammation: Banaba leaf extract has anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce swelling and pain.
     Jairamdass Khushiram is a manufacturer of  Banaba Leaf extract.