Neem Leaves Powder

Article No:
Botanical Name:
Azadirachta Indica
Other Name:
Neem Leaves
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Product Description:
In Ayurveda, Neem is typically used to balance pitta & kapha, Its cold, light, and dry qualities tend to aggravate vata. It has cooling effect on excessive pitta in skin, so prevents & helps to pacify skin problems aggravated by pitta. It is often taken internally to foster a state of balance in the liver, pancreas, and digestive tract. Neem’s bitterness also improves taste, which is at the root of healthy digestion. It supports equilibrium of sugar levels in blood and fat metabolism. On a broader scale, Neem supports natural cleansing of the channels in the body as well as the rejuvenation of healthy tissues. Due to its bitterness it supports immunity modulating properties.
For Skin – Mix Neem powder with curd and apply as face pack regularly. This will eventually reduce the appearance of breakouts and pimples. If you are suffering from dark spots, blemishes and pigmented skin, apply Neem powder mixed with honey to get a clear, even skin tone. Neem powder can also control excess oil secretion. If you have a very oily face, take some Neem powder mixed with besan flour and rose water and apply all over face. Wash off after 15 minutes. This will help reduce sebum and oil production.
For hair – For a natural purifying scalp treatment, add some lemon juice to Neem powder and olive oil and massage your scalp with it. The antibacterial effects of Neem will deep purify your scalp. Neem powder also stimulates hair growth and reduces hair fall when used regularly.
Jairamdass Khushiram is leading bulk manufacturers of neem leaves powder.